Short and concised update: Working, tired, no life, fun hmm.. if i could have more time being in bed and get to have nice long sleep.. and meeting up for short gatherings. I've been always wondering every morning and night what am I doing now. Correct path?? Life is too nice to suffer?? Everyday same dilemma.. Haih.. show me the way!!
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Saturday, December 25, 2010
083 MIA ??
Yes casey, after such a long MIA, I almost forgot bout this until u reminded me hehehe.. too much fun and studying for exams + waiting for results stress coming to me hehehe.. oh well.. I graduated! heeehe no graduation ceremony yet.. =)
Ole Ole Bali + Christmas gift exchange heehe
Ok the pictures do the talking hahaaha delicious? me grabbing all the presents? and happy big family photo hehe
.Outing with syee
Outing with syee has been a very hard to grab picture from this girl.. hheheh u know la.. These are the 2 days we went out... one is with tutti frutti again and the other one in MV with house of paddington pancakes with 2 movies in one shot... hmm Rapunzel and SOcial Network... oh well a bit foolish stuffs happened that day apparently... We should have got the 2 movies tickets earlier instead of getting the next one on the next session :S Ok bottom pic with blue lightings.. KLCC xmas deco.. me with my mother shopping there =)
Next outing with syee would be in La Bodega + Plan B... =P It's on the list! hehhee Plan B is a restaurant FYI.. hheehe

Sunway Lagoon after exam
Long planned visit to lagoon?? INdeed.. Hoping for it not to rain for few days cz it has been raining cats and dogs for the past weeks... Luckily it started to rain right after we finished cleaning ourselves up. They are smart in making money... helping us to take photos and making moneys from it.. brilliant.. nego je la with them those pics and put in cd.. 100 bux worth of pics.. haha 30+ pix i guess.. Before the exit.. we went for Terminator hehe FUN! DARK! and SHORT time.. sigh.. extra 10 bux per person.. not to mention the entrance fee was a bit pricy

Neway regular customers
I think this gang would be on its way being listed on the regular customer of neway soon enough.. Not so soon la.. but almost every week we go bong chan them once. Shud be the 3rd or 4th time ady.. hahaa

Posted by フー ジアン ホン at 9:50 PM 0 comments
Saturday, November 13, 2010
082 Crazy!
How crazy I can be??? Usual bed time for now.. 3am - 5am... Surprisingly I went to bed 1 sth.. cz yumcha with puiman early in the morning.. but I kept imagining sashimi... cheese in my mind.. can't sleep until 3 sth :S bad huh.. DECIDED to go for Sakae sushi.. today.. tadahhhh!
Study Extractive Industries while eating??? Bad thing.. cz u know why.. I kept eating non stop.. and I spent to the max.. including buying a conan comic and parking ticket.. coins left in my wallet :S save money time!!
Posted by フー ジアン ホン at 4:42 PM 0 comments
Thursday, November 11, 2010
081 Facts that Xinyi doesn't know
1. I am 17.. shhhh.. don't tell ppl =P
2. I shop... is like one big thing for a girl to shop! Bad eyes... never tempt me
3. Roller coaster is out of my list
4. I read shakespeare
5. I travel everyday :S
6. I eat... duh.. hahahha I love it! FOOD
7. I play barbie doll.. believe it or not??
8. I like mickey not minnie
9. 24-7 on msn according to Judith
10. I play guitar?? Have one.. with moulds.. Learning soon
11. I sing? All the time =)
12. I play? Definitely... Chor Big D? Mahjong?
13. I think a lot. Too much!!
14. I club...
15. I bite. hahahhaaa during full moon
Facts? believe it or not.. half will do.. exams are driving me crazy :D
Posted by フー ジアン ホン at 12:03 AM 0 comments
Friday, November 5, 2010
080 Now I know
Got so many things in mind wana eat.. but all the kaki fly all around the world dah. haiz...
Anyone who see this faster come back be my another kaki to go out makan ler... I cannot live without you >>>> FOOD muahhaaaha Ok I'm going a bit nuts ady.. not cashew nut not hazelnut.. It's nuts nuts.. Ya that nuts.. due to??? EXAM!!!! Last sem's exams!!!
I think i shall go drive thru later to get my french fries.. urgh tempting!!

Posted by フー ジアン ホン at 6:30 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
079 Listen
Posted by フー ジアン ホン at 8:51 PM 0 comments
Monday, October 18, 2010
078 Octobie
October baby la tu... hahaha October + baby = Octobie!! hehehe LONG AWAITED POST huh??? hahahha casey "blowing" ady =P
BTS of making the stuff?? Oh no.. Ending of the BTS is quite enough.. you dun wana know what happens in between.. accidentally cutting off someone's forehead and ears and stuff.. nono.. hahaha Thanks to the efficiency of Shen, piriya, casey, annie and meiying in sending their messages in less than duno how many hours.. The next day, our 3-hour project started =).. kat mana??? IMU library.. oooo too quiet place for me... Not being picky and choosy enough, the me and liz finally got this Frame done... hhehhe eventhough there's the tengkorak and hmm dried human leg beside the room hahaahahah serious!
Actual day comes, and liz can't join.. oh well... so we went BV2 Marmalade.. Healthy food.. Colourful place.. I love this Ferris wheel so much.. can chuck the 8 of us in... dun care bout who's gonna be in the middle of the wheel la.. hahhaa center spot nice wad!!! And there I go, presenting her our Masterpiece!! Happy Birthday Syee!!!
Tutti Frutti after that at Telawi.. yogurt shop.. I dun drink milk la.. but then the chocolate flavour seriously, there's not even a single taste of milk or yogurt.. just like shaved ice only.. so?? I ate la.. cz Syee recommended her CHOCOLATE flavour to the top of the top!! Then we chuck in gummy bear, chocolate colourful rice?? hahahha the GRape flavour I've tasted.. straight away that eew look written on my face hahahha
Posted by フー ジアン ホン at 12:30 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
077 Trip to HK
Posted by フー ジアン ホン at 7:49 AM 0 comments
Saturday, August 7, 2010
076 Random facts bout me
Posted by フー ジアン ホン at 11:21 AM 0 comments