It's tiring everyday... feel like time spent for my computer and tv is never enough... gosh... I really need a good sleep... but still the list of stuff to do is too much.. :S This is the torty I get from szeyin.. hehehe nice to hug to sleep... jz like my bolster.. Kuma kuma.. twin brother of my pencil case :D
Another MP5 bid is ending 2mr... Hope I get it.. cz it's more economical to get that hehehee..
Btw.. jz got the letter from GSC that I've won the Bedtime Stories Website Contest.. heehhehehe! First time I felt that I've won sth.. cheh wah.. cz today very bad luck.. have to collect my gift from ss22 gsc office. Beditime stories star pack, pyjama tee and 4 GSC pass.. wohoo...
18 Feb 2009
So call Farewell dinner of Chingyee and szeyin at Sunway Pyramid Nando yesterday.. Duno how to describe yesterday... but ya Good Luck to both of them in Australia!!
12 years ago
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