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??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ????4?? ?????????????????????????Born 2 Be A Star? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.8 (17 Ratings)??170 Grabs Today. 7112 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ?? BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Monday, October 26, 2009

054 Drama these few days

20091026 2210

Today woke up early on purpose this morning.. no class leh.. Surprise? yep.. I did woke up at 6.30am.. Just to stand by the OneFM just in case they called me for the competition.. hehe it did happened!! they rang me bout 7am.. then here I won!! Shabu Shabu with bro and cousin soon...

Around 9 something or 10 I guess.. House phone rang.. and kinda noisy office sound behind.. there goes a girl around 20 I think.. says in mandarin "Mummy, I'm in trouble." Wow.. I don't know why.. my mind goes blank.. and just hung up the phone.. Think back bout it.. I shouuld prank them back.. by saying all the things that might cross a mother's mind whose daughter always have trouble outside.. I should have!! well lucky for her..

Last friday.. dramatic also.. went xxx college to ask sth.. tak jadi.. so ask bro ask.. so when he got home.. blah out the story of the ppl there being so bad attitude.. and didn't even get any answer for such simple question.. flared.. called, complained.. so in the end my questions are answered!! thanks to the manager.. :)